What Can I Say? We Were Utterly Peachless

Rowlett, Texas

You’re looking at a peach I bought from Tom Thumb and then tied to a tree at the nursery. It was the wrong time of year for peaches, too early in the season, but I needed the photo for promotions.

The guy at the grocery store came up and started telling me how sweet and juicy they were when I was buying them, and I immediately blurted out, “Oh, I’m not going to eat them!” As if he’d said something totally preposterous to me. I thought about it later, how odd my statement must have sounded, but at the time, I was in my own head and just walked away.

Often times in stores, if I’m shopping for a Photoshoot, I’m looking to do something relatively abnormal with the product, and not use it for its intended purpose. This all takes too long to explain to a salesperson, so normally I don’t even bother, nor do they care.

However, when I was at the nursery tying peaches to trees in preparation for my shoot, the morning had grown late, and the place was filling up with customers. Again, I was in my own little world, and didn’t even notice we were now open for business.

That is, until I heard a lady behind me ask screech incredulously, “Oh god! Is that what y’all do??!?

Immediately I realized it looked like I was deceptively tying peaches to trees like some kind of carnival charlatan (which, I guess I kind of was…), and so in this instance, I definitely took the time to explain what I was doing.